Saturday, 27 November 2010

Jollof Rice

Someone popular said "smell good, taste good" which is usually true.

In this case, its the great tasting jollof rice I bring you today which when cooked right tastes amazing.

Have you ever thought about how much people love jollof rice?

I have only ever been to two parties organised by Africans where jollof rice haven't being on the menu.

Isn't it amazing that though jollof rice being so popular at meal times in so many homes, come party time, same people will still have the same jollof rice. Reason is simple! You just can't beat the taste of jollof.

Jollof rice, I believe originated from Nigeria but its popularity has soo grown throughout the African populace that there are so many versions now. Some west African countries even claim jollof rice was originally from their country which I believe is very incorrect!

To get the very authentic taste of jollof rice, it has to be cooked using firewood outdoors but as this is not usually possible, you settle for the next best thing using the right ingredients.

You don't want your jollof rice all mushy and sticky no way! This isn't sushi rice! The rice has to be loose and separate.

I have added the recipe below. I hope you try it and please leave me your comments.

Recipe2 Cup of easy cook rice (I personally use Tollyboy easycook rice)
2 Cup of ground pepper(2red sweet peppers, 1 medium onion, 1red hot pepper, 1tin plum tomato)
1 medium onion chopped
3 Table spoons of tomato paste
1 Table spoon of hot curry powder
1 Table spoon of dried thyme
1 litre of water
2 Tablets of chicken stock
2 Service spoon of vegetable oil

Pot on stove, add oil and allow it get hot, add chopped onion and stir till lightly brown then add tomato paste stirring for 3 minutes.

Add the ground pepper, continue stirring adding the thyme, curry powder and stock. Cook for another 7-10 minutes and add 1 litre of water, cover it and allow to cook till boiling.

Meanwhile, wash the rice and add to the boiling pepper stock on stove.

Leave it to cook on medium heat for 15- 20 minutes and check the texture, adjust with water and salt if need be, if not, JOLLOF RICE is ready to be serve.

For vegetarians, use vegetable stock.

This can be served with Beef, Chicken and or plantain.

Where do think Jollof rice originated from? Let me know your thoughts.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Hello all,

How have your week been?

If your week have being anything like mine, I can only say, get well soon.

Its been one of those rough week. The weather haven't being that great. The strong wind and oh the cold!

I must admit, I don't feel like making any elaborate meals.Show All

Tonight, dinner is Chinese Braised Beef Stir Fry with prawn crackers.

It might sound like its alot of work but I promise, you will only be spending 25minutes making this delish meal and its so worth it.

The aroma of the star aniseed, the sweet crunchiness of the peppers, the beans sprout and Oh the richness of the sauce which by the way you can soak your bread into and wipe your plate clean with either some sour dough or french bread. yummy! Are you hungry yet? I definitely am. Its time to get cracking.

I have the recipe below, I do hope you try the recipe at home for yourself and family.

PS: This dish can also be served with white rice.

500grm lean beef
90ml soy sauce dark
90ml oyster sauce
2 piece of crush garlic
3 table spoon of corn flour
1 table spoon of five spices
1 table spoon of sczhaun spice
1 large whole egg
1 tea spoon of Chinese salt
Salt to taste
1 medium onion slice
1 medium of red peppers slice
1 medium of green peppers slice
50 grams of bean sprout
.5 teaspoon of black pepper
1 star aniseed
3 table spoon of sesame or vegetable oil
1 carrots julienne
Clean and remove any fat from the beef, slice or cut it in fine strips or julienne shape
Marinate beef with some, salt, crack black pepper, soy sauce, five spices, add some corn flour, egg and mix very well then leave it for 5-10 minutes.
Add vegetable/sesame oil for frying in pot or use fryer to seal the beef just for 2 minutes and put it aside ready to go.
Combine all the vegetables together except the beans sprout, add sesame oil to heated pan on stove, add the garlic, slice onion and sauté for 1 minute.
Add the rest of vegetable, but not sprout yet, this time add all sauces, the rest of the spices and the meat and make sure its on high heat, stirring for 5 minutes.
Dissolve rest of the corn flour in a bit of water add to the meat, adjust the seasoning and add bean sprout, cook for another 2 minutes and its ready to be serve.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Winter Dessert - Sweet Potato Cake with Custard

Hello everyone,

How is the weather treating you? It has been cold and wet lately. Not very nice innit?

I was just under my duvet and I was wondering what to have for dessert. I wanted something homey and decadent. I wanted something sweet that would warm not only my stomach but my heart.

My mouth waters just thinking about my Sweet Potato Cake with custard. Mmmmmm! Its a kind of dessert you can eat any time of the year but feels even special in winter.

Sweet potato cake with its richness, earthy taste and soft texture takes me back to days when I was younger and I would scoff my face with my cake and always wanted more.

Surprisingly, it is easy to make and aroma that fills the house is just delicious.

I have attached my own recipe to making this delicious dessert. I hope you do attempt to make this wonderful dessert.

Until next time, to the foodies out there, keep on eating well.

Thank you.

PS: If you have any stories of your favourite dessert, please tell me about it.

You will need:
400gm self raising flour
400gm grated sweet potatoes
400gm brown sugar
6 large eggs
2teaspoon of baking powder
250ml vegetable oil
400ml milk
1 teaspoon mixed spice
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt
10inch baking pan
Sieve flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl, add sugar, salt, mixed spice and cinnamon
Break eggs and whisk, add the milk and whisk
Take the grated sweet potato add to the bowl, oil and the egg and milk mixture straight on top all in the same bowl.
Gently fold in until smooth, pour into the greased
and dusted cake pan and straight into pre heated
oven at 150c.
Bake on 150c for 1.5 hours.
Note: to know when cake is cooked, stick knife
into the centre of cake. If it comes out smooth,
the cake is cooked.